When you are given health advice, it often concerns your heart, your muscles and your joints. You are constantly warned about keeping your blood pressure low and your cholesterol in check. However, you may not hear much about your lungs. Lung health is essential to maintaining a good quality of life. If your body does […]
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5 Tips for Practicing Self-Care at Work
If you’re like most people, you probably feel like the demands of your job are outpacing your pay and free time at an exponential rate. In America, we’ve always put our faith in the value of hard work. Where Europeans tended toward shorter hours and more free time, we focused on the ability to make […]
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ASK A PIONEER Q1: The season for giving, and receiving, is upon us. But I don’t always enjoy receiving gifts. What can I do? A1: This season, tell those who insist on giving you presents what you want. Maybe instead of a new gadget or toy, they can give you the gift of their expertise, […]
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There has long been a stigma in society that aging is something to be feared or avoided. In reality, however, aging can be the best, most fulfilling and gratifying experience that can happen to a person, and it is an opportunity to be relished—not dreaded. If you find yourself looking toward your older years and […]
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