How Anxiety Can Impact Thinking

Helpful Tips & Arcticles

Anxiety can feel overwhelming in everyday life. Even your thinking can feel impacted by worries and fears associated with anxiety. While you may feel you’re alone, it’s important to know that anxiety affects over 40 million adults (18.1%) in the United States ( The good news is that anxiety is treatable. So, what can you do to calm your worries and anxiety?

The following tips can give you a starting point:

Talk to Your Doctor

If your anxiety is impacting your daily life you should make an appointment to discuss this with your physician. While there are medications that can help relieve anxiety, this is not the only help your doctor can provide. Your physician can provide you a referral to see a counselor who can work with you on mindfulness for anxiety, which involves the practice of focusing on the present to calm worries and fears.

Incorporate Exercise

Exercise can provide your body with a healthy dose of endorphins that can help alleviate stress and combat anxiety. Some of the best forms of exercise for anxiety can include yoga, walking, or hiking. If you’re nervous about starting a new exercise program or class alone, invite your partner or a friend along and make an enjoyable new hobby out of it!

Establish a Strong Support System

Having a strong support system is essential. Start by considering who in your circle you consider someone you could call when you’re feeling anxious. Some support options could include family, friends, counselor, or even your church leader. Consider joining a support group for anxiety in your area. If you’re not ready to make that leap, consider joining an online support group for anxiety. For listings check out Mental Health America.

It’s important to remember with anxiety that you’re not alone and that you do have options for how to treat it. Consider speaking with your physician and remember that it’s okay to reach out for help. Hopefully you found these tips helpful on your way to better health!