What Are Your Eyes Trying to Tell You?

Helpful Tips & Arcticles

As they say, the eyes are the windows to the soul. With many of us spending more and more time in front of a screen while working from home, our eyes might be paying the price. It’s essential to recognize the optic ailments you might be suffering from – and realize which ones are mere natural nuisances and which ones might grow into more significant problems.

So, what should you look out for when it comes to your eyesight? Here’s a handy guide to have with you as you work on preserving your vision.

  • Floaters aren’t usually something to get concerned about. Do you know those little spots that you might see going across your eye as you get older? That’s just a natural occurrence of the gel in the eye starting to liquefy. It will happen to all of us as we get older. Now there is one case where you may have to see a doctor.  If any of these new “floaters” come into your field of vision, not moving away from the retina. In that case, go to the doctor. Those specific floaters may get caused by a retinal tear.
  • Stop staring at the screen all day. Step away from your computer or screen at regular intervals, if you (like most of us) have a job that requires it. Your eyes will likely become dried-out from a continual gaze at a monitor, the result of a reduced blink rate. Schedule time to get up and give your eyes a break. Try adding a timer onto your phone that alerts you at regular intervals.
  • Double vision could be a sign of trouble. In most cases, double vision is just caused by dryness or something natural in the eyes. However, if you don’t experience that “double vision” when you close one eye, then it’s time to see a doctor. That absence of double vision could be a sign of misaligned eyes.
  • Unusually blurry vision should spark a visit to the doctor. Go in for a full checkup if you’re experiencing a bout of blurry vision. The eye doctor will take steps to diagnose the problem and help adjust contact or eyeglass prescriptions in order to get your vision clear.
  • Peripheral vision loss or dark spots in your eye should trigger alarm bells. These symptoms could be a sign of serious eye trouble. A sudden loss of peripheral vision could indicate ailments like a stroke or tumor. A gradual loss could be the result of glaucoma. Dark spots might be a sign of “macular degeneration,” a condition that needs treatment through drugs and therapies. Be sure to schedule an appointment as soon as possible if you’re suffering from either.
  • Reduced night vision and reading trouble are other concerns. Schedule an appointment with a doctor if you’re having some trouble seeing at night. The fix may be as simple as an adjusted eyeglasses prescription. It might also be an early sign of developing cataracts. As for reading trouble, that’s something that happens naturally over time.
  • Having constant eye pain? See a doctor. If you’re experiencing consistent, sharp eye pains, go see a doctor immediately. Those could be signs of something severely wrong with your vision or the eye itself.