In the Service of Others

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Q At age 63, I am still working because I need an income. Can I work part-time and apply for Social Security?

A You absolutely can work (full or part-time) and draw Social Security
Retirement, which is a benefit you have earned through payroll contributions. You may have received a statement in the mail from the Social Security Administration showing the benefits you have earned. Social Security Disability income (often confused with Social Security Retirement) limits how much you can work and still be considered disabled.

If you want to start drawing Social Security Retirement at age 63 to supplement a switch to part-time income, it will mean taking a reduced benefit. This is a portion of your full benefit, which you can claim at full retirement age. Social Security considers full retirement age 65, 66 or 67, depending on when you were born. You can also wait until age 70 to get an additional amount. Retiring at age 63 will result in a reduced benefit which, once chosen, remains in effect for the rest of your life.

Prior Marriages – If you were married to an eligible beneficiary for at least 10 years, you may be able to collect benefits from that person’s earnings. Doing so does not affect the beneficiary’s Social Security payment, but it might affect yours. Even if that person is deceased, you may be entitled to widow/widowers benefits, even if you were already divorced at the time of their death.

Bear in mind: You cannot “double dip” at Social Security. Any benefit you draw will be deducted from your own maximum benefit. For example, if your maximum monthly benefit is $3,000, and you are getting $1,500 from a former spouse’s benefit, you cannot draw both to get a total of $4,500.

The Social Security Administration works for you – the taxpayers and beneficiaries – and there are many ways to get in contact with them. You can call (1-800-772-1213) and speak
with someone who will answer all your questions, you can visit for plenty of lists and calculations to help you figure out your benefit amount, or you can visit your local
Social Security Administration office and sit with a worker to create your plan.

If you have additional questions about Social Security, please contact our social workers. We are here to give our industry members useful information and helpful support to
navigate successfully through all stages of their lives.

Sources: Social Security Administration