Upload your video
Use the form below to share a video of your experience with the Pioneers Assistance Fund. If you are using a smart phone or tablet, you will need to select the video in your media library. With a laptop or desktop, you can drag the video directly into the box below.
Look further down the page for tips on how to take a good selfie video, and a collection of videos uploaded by people like yourself.
By submitting a video, you are authorizing Will Rogers Motion Picture Pioneers Foundation (WRMPPF) to use your content and likeness for promotional purposes, including (but not limited to) the press, online media, and other publications with no expectation to compensation.
Video creation tips.
Choosing a recording device
Most smart devices and laptops are equipped with video cameras and recording software. Choose your device and try a few test shots to familiarize yourself with the software. When using a smartphone or tablet, shooting with your camera horizontal is preferred.
Selecting a good location
Choose a quiet place to shoot, away from background noises that may be picked up. If possible, face a window so the natural light brightens your face and isn’t behind you. Make sure the background is simple and not cluttered.
Frame the shot
Put your video camera at eye level, and frame yourself in the middle of the screen. You may need to raise your device by placing it on a stack of books. Make sure you are looking directly at the camera, not somewhere else on your device.
Dress for the camera
Clothing with solid colors work well on camera, with off-white colors performing better than fully white clothing. Avoid patterns and prints. Don’t wear jewelry that moves or makes noise.
Prepare your script
Think about what you’d like to say. Maybe even practice it a few times in the mirror! A sample testimonial often starts with a brief introduction, “Hello my name is (first name) and I’m from (City, State)” and then a simple statement about how the Pioneers Assistance Fund helped you or someone you know. Be yourself, you’re a natural!
Your stories help spread the word about the Pioneer Assistance Fund.
Here is a video with a collection of stories from individuals just like you.