Keep Hope Alive in 2017

Helpful Tips & Arcticles

Each January 1st, we face the prospect of a new year, wondering or worrying about what the new year will bring. We hope it will be a good year. We have faith that everything will be fine. We summon the patience to see it all play out, day by day, until the next new year. It’s what we
have to do. It’s how we stay motivated to keep moving ever-forward in our lives.

Hope is a belief in the possible. Even if something doesn’t seem probable, we still might think it’s possible because we have hope. To maintain hope, you need to believe a future is coming. Believing in the possibility of a future event keeps us engaged in life and community. When
things don’t work out as we hoped, we find something else to hope for. And on it goes.

Faith is based on trust. The word is tied to religion because it is a belief and confidence in something outside yourself, but religion is not necessary to have faith. You can have faith in your fellow citizens. Your hope might be based on faith in a system or person whom you trust to bring about a desired outcome. Have faith in yourself! Believe in yourself and your ability to accomplish your goals.

Patience is a difficult practice in Western culture. We want it all now: food delivery, breaking news, streaming video, on demand! We have cheated ourselves out of the ability to wait, and to savor the waiting. Change takes time. Maybe that’s why there are so many days in a year. If you want to lose 15 pounds, be patient with yourself. Lose one or two pounds first, then one or two more. Enjoy each new weight loss. Waiting in the doctor’s office? Read a book! Waiting on hold? Do some stretches. Have patience.

Open a 2017 calendar. Let the blank pages inspire you to fill this year with messages of hope, reminders of faith, and the patience to let each new day roll out in front of you.

Happy New Year from your social workers at Will Rogers’ Motion Pictures Pioneers!


“5 Ways Leaders Keep Hope Alive In Difficult Times” by Glen Llopis 8/19/13 available at:

“How To Believe In Yourself” by Leo Babauta, availabe at: