< PreviousIn my early days as a Will Rogers intern, I inadvertently hung up on Erik during a call transfer. He quickly called back and voiced his displeasure. Even in my short time with the charity, I knew the Lomis name and the weight it carried. Certain my internship was over, the tears began. The next morning, Erik called my direct line: “I’m really sorry kid. I was just in a rush. You’re doing a great job and I appreciate you”. For years we joked about “the time he made me cry.” If he only knew just how much those tears paled in comparison to the ones that came from having to say goodbye. —Christina BlumerI didn’t know Erik well before he signed on with Amazon but had heard the legendary stories. Once Erik officially started at Amazon I saw first hand how he operated and he did not disappoint. We talked often about how excited he was for the future of the company and all the great things he was going to accomplish. He definitely made his mark quickly at Amazon as you can imagine. I feel lucky to have known him the last six months, but also cheated that it didn’t last much longer. —Mark Boxer I was a consultant working for Erik at MGM. Erik had to eliminate every job under him because the studio was going through bankruptcy. Erik was leaving soon and he said to me, “You have busted your ass for me, I am going to pay you back.” Erik introduced me to Gary and Roger, and soon after, I was offered a full time job at the new MGM where I stayed for many years. Erik was a mensch and I have so many memories of how he embarrassed me, especially in front of Kevin Costner. That’s for another time! —Michael BrownErik would often quote MLK Jr. during difficult life situations. The sentiment of the quote is “… an individual’s character is determined by how one reacts when life is difficult, not when life is smooth.” We would share this quote over the years via phone, texts and bottles of whiskey as we supported each other through life. Remembering this advice from my friend Erik will always be a guiding light for me. And my character is definitely being tested now having lost you Erik. I miss you greatly. — Stephen Bruno“Where’s your tie? I wear a tie every day. If you want something, you wear a tie. Don’t come into my office without a tie” or something like that was how his booming yet jesting voice hit me EVERY time I walked into his office. My response was always the same, “I’m not asking for anything. If I do, I’ll wear one”—and one day I did. On that day, his compassion and kindness took over and I knew I was in the right place. Of course, it probably didn’t hurt that I brought a box of TastyKakes too. —Steve BuckI grew up with Erik in the industry. We bonded over the NFL, once he figured out that I knew what I was talking about! Erik of course was an Eagles fan, I am a NY Giants fan, so we were sworn enemies. But when the Eagles won the Super Bowl the very first thing I did was text Erik to congratulate him. A man of his word, he told me I deserved to be in the Academy, and then got me admitted. To say he was larger than life is an understatement, to say he is missed an even bigger understatement. — Lisa BunnellFirst one that comes to mind was ShoWest at our MGM booth where we were offering pics with a baby lion. The booth entry had a big MGM logo in foam core and was attached by heavy-duty Velcro. Erik and I were at the entrance greeting people and all of a sudden I start hearing a ripping noise. Realizing it was the Velcro giving way, I started shouting “move move move” and caught the logo as it swung down like a guillotine blade. Erik looked at me with surprise and said “You may have saved us a big lawsuit!” —Anthony ChengI had a standing phone call with Erik on Saturday mornings, when he would call me from the carwash. On one of those Saturday mornings I was excitedly sharing the news with him that I had just closed escrow on my new home in Encino, and he stopped me and asked, “Corabi, do you know the fastest route from Beverly Hills to Encino”… I answered “… Coldwater?” … to which he promptly responded ... “No, divorce!” —Chris CorabiTo me, Erik was one of the most colorful executives in the business ... one of the smartest, funniest, most genuine and generous people in the industry. Except for my first conversation with Erik about who pays the NYC film rent tax, it was always fun talking to him. We all watched his star power as he brilliantly hosted the 2022 Pioneer Dinner. It was one of the best industry dinners I’ve ever attended. My heart continues to go out to Erik’s family and his legions of friends. —Ellen Cotter The reason why theatrical is alive, the reason why we are still here after the pandemic is because of Erik Lomis. His belief, logic, commitment and brilliance about the big screen cannot be denied. I miss him every day. — Anthony D’AlessandroNext >